Worship is our hub

Worship is the focal point of Bethany's ministries. It's the weekly base-touch for all our members and ministries. It's the time when we all gather as one body to grow in our faith and find rest for our souls. It's the time when we lift our voices as one to praise God.

Worship spotlights the Word and sacraments

Since God nourishes our faith through the Bible and the sacraments of Baptism and Communion, each worship service you visit at Bethany will put the Word and Sacrament in the spotlight. But beyond those essentials, we recognize that the style of worship is particular to the individual. So we don't tie ourselves to any one style of worship. 


Parkway Campus Worship

Modern Traditional

At our Parkway Campus, we worship in a Modern Traditional format. We use a mix of ancient liturgical responses and songs, as well as contemporary settings of these deep-rooted practices of the Christian Church.

We sing mainly traditional hymns, but often with contemporary instrumentation and settings. The pastors and chancel pieces are vested in the tradition of the Christian Church.





At our Lynndale Campus, worship is a family experience. Our Family Worship Gatherings are casual in style and intentionally engage children of all ages in worship. The service progresses like a story as we open with worship songs and confession, build up to Jesus' message for our lives, and close with reflection and prayer and more worship songs.

We have a few different worship bands that lead the music, incorporating a mix of popular Christian contemporary music and newer artists and their songs. We mingle afterwards for snacks and fellowship, so plan to stay for a bit!

Whichever worship style you prefer, you can expect to be edified by God's Word in sermon and song and enriched by the community and fellowship in worship.