Whether we realize it or not, God gives us blessings every single day—and he gives them to us with a purpose. “Entitlement & Expectation” is an opportunity to examine our attitude toward those blessings, and learn from how and why God gives them to us.

Week 1 - God Provides Because of His Grace - August 22-24

Exodus 16:1-15

It didn’t take Israel long to forget the victory that God had given them at the Red Sea. In the chapter following their victory song, there’s a very different attitude on their lips. Doubt and frustration with God come from their hearts. Yet God still provides for their needs.

What sinful attitudes do we bear towards God and his blessings? Entitlement? Discontentment? Doubt? When we can get past what we think we should have and recognize the bounty which we already do, God’s abundant grace causes us to turn to him in repentance and gratitude.

Week 2 - God Provides Daily - August 29-31

Exodus 16:16-35

God provided for Israel, and he wanted them to trust that he would continue to provide, day after day. He wanted them to live not storing up in case God’s provision would run out, but expecting that he’d provide. When we are able to expect and trust God’s provision we are free to live without fear, but in trust. And in that trust, we’re able to use our gifts in a regular ongoing way to serve God in his kingdom.