Sermon Series: He Has Done Everything Well

One person might be described as “a jack of all trades and master of none.” Another person might be described as “a jack of all trades and master of some.” Still another might even be described as “a jack of all trades and master of many.” But only about Jesus can it be said, “He has done everything well.” (Mark 7:37)

In this sermon series we are going to consider a variety of issues that we and so many others struggle with as we live in a fallen world. Then we will turn to the words and works of Jesus to find forgiveness for our failures, strength for our struggles, and guidance for our lives.

When we are finished, we shouldn’t expect that others will look at us and say, “They have done everything well.” But we can rejoice in knowing that because of Jesus’ work for us and in us, the day will come when in pure grace God himself will say to us: “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Matthew 25:21)